Dan Schlosberg

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Breathing Free, a visual album (2020)
2020 Dec (premiere)
YouTube Live (online)
45-min film, featuring Schlosberg’s arrangement of Beethoven’s Fidelio, and works by H.T. Burleigh, Langston Hughes, and Anthony Davis
Supported by the Eric H. Holder Jr. Initiative for Civil and Political Rights at Columbia University
Directed by Anaiis Cisco
Director of Photography, Kathryn Boyd Batstone/ Jacob Mallin
Arrangement and music directed by Dan Schlosberg
Produced by Heartbeat Opera
📣 New Yorker
🏆 2021 Drama League Award, Outstanding Digital Concert Production nominee

Add’l Performance
2021 Jun, Live at Domino Park (Brooklyn, NY)
2021 Sep, Hudson River Park’s Pier 63 (New York, NY)

Music Director
© Anaiis Cisco/ Kathryn Boyd Batstone/ Jacob Mallin
©2024 Dan Schlosberg